Thursday, February 7, 2008

To be or not to be EMO ?! la ce vine cu adevarat acest cuvant? Care sa fie etimologia lui? Sincer nu cred ca are cu adevarat asa ceva...este totul pornit de la niste copii frustrati care ajuns sa sufere din cine stie ce motive...sau cum se numea aia...ah da Pubertatea!
Puhhff COME ONE...toata lumea a trecut prin aia...look at me...i'm perfectly normal!! Nu am nasu gaurit in cine stie ce fel de ma confunda lumea cu un plang la vederea unei persoane imi tai venele ca sa vad cum curge sangele si sa ma si amuz pe asta:)) haha mai o viata!:))
De la ce vine...poi hai sa ne documentam...ce spuneti?
>> EMO in fashion << The term "emo" is sometimes stereotyped with tight jeans on males and females alike, long fringe (bangs) brushed to one side of the face or over one or both eyes, dyed black, straight hair, tight t-shirts which often bear the names of rock bands (or other designed shirts), studded belts, belt buckles, canvas sneakers or skate shoes or other black shoes (often old and beaten up) and thick, black horn-rimmed glasses.Emo fashion has changed with time. Early trends included straight, unparted hair (similar to that of Romulans and Vulcans in Star Trek), tightly fitting sweaters, button-down shirts, and work jackets.This fashion has at times been characterized as a fad.
In recent years, emo, in the popular media, has been associated with a stereotype that includes being emotional,depression, self-injury, and suicide.

Oricum anumite trendu-uri si " attitudini " au inceput sa fie confundate cu sincer cred ca daca Roberto Cavalli ar avea o de cat aproape de umanoizii astia de ne bantuie smulge paru din cap :))
Cam ce vede lumea de copii emo? - O adunatura de pustani teribilisti , o turma...o gloata care poarta aceleasi conteaza fata/baiat cred neintelesi si neacceptati cand de fapt ei ii inlatura pe toti ce i-ar putea ajuta. Sunt inadaptati dar nici nu se lasa nu din o cauza anume...sufera de ei! Pentru mine EMO e o " moda a copiilor fara stil" acum 2 ani se " purta" Rap-ul,Apoi Manelele, anu trecut se "purta" House-ul un timp incoa sa fii EMO is like soo cool...Yuck!!! Dar acum daca ii intrebi ceva : Valeuuu " Mai bine mor decat sa ascult rap/manele/house and so on" Hahaha That's like so EMO ...Groovy baby

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